Friday, November 14, 2008
What Would the Mormons Do?
My response was that no, I didn't think so, since the Mormons would be on thin ice saying or doing anything on the subject of defining marriage since they once defined it as between a man and a woman and a woman and a woman and a couple of teenage girls.
Is this a great country or what?
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Good Night, and Good Luck
To Joe the Plumber: Your 15 seconds of fame were over before they even began, thank goodness. Good luck on actually getting your plumbers license (don't even think of getting your politicians license).
To Sarah Palin: Ah, we hardly got to know you, but what we did get to know was scary as hell. Go back to Alaska and push for secession, so we in the lower 48 can be rid of you once and for all.
To Joe Lieberman: Now that the Democrats have a true majority and don't have to rely on your sorry ass to get anything done, you can wander off into the desert and search for your true identity, if you have one.
To the Revs. Jackson and Sharpton: Your services as self-anointed voices and faces of black Americans are no longer required.
To John McCain: We actually look forward to your going back to the Senate and being the contrarian we always admired.
Right-Wingnut Pundits (a.k.a. O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Beck, Kristol, Goldberg, et al): So long, it really hasn't been that good to know you. At least now we know, even if you won't admit it, that most of your listeners don't really believe the manure you spread.
Campaign ads: Never have so many been so nauseated by so little (in quality, not quantity).
Monday, November 03, 2008
A New State (of Mind)?
I know there is only one other state named for a president (Washington), but there are tons of prominent cities, even state capitals, named after one -- Lincoln, Neb.; Washington, D. C.; Washington, everywhere else, Jefferson City, Mo.; Madison, Wis.; Monroe, La.; Jackson, Miss.; Van Buren, Ind.; Tyler, Texas; The Fillmore (OK, I've taken this too far, but couldn't we just show Barack a little love in similar fashion?).