Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Now, Pronunce After Me . . .

Another edition of "Who Writes Those Commercials?," I'm afeared.
A TV ad for a foreign-language-learning program promises to teach buyers, among other things, the correct "pronounciations" of all the words! Hmm, how can I ever trust that kind of a promise when it doesn't even get the English words right?
And why do they call it Rosetta Stone in the first place? And how did Michael Phelps get tangled up with it? (Don't worry, we all know the answer to that last one, and it is pronounced "$$$$$$"!)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Old Joke, New Twist

From some unfamiliar place in cyberspace, I just received this reworking of Sarah Palin's most famous (and only famous) joke.
Q. What is the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?
A. A muzzle.
(Of course, John McCain's people are working very frantically to get that muzzle on her now, aren't they?)
I think I can see Russia from my house, too, but only when I've been drinking heavily (vodka, in particular).

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