Friday, July 28, 2006


Stupidity Test, Part 1

After all the fuss we made about J. S. Mill and his correlations between stupidity and conservativism, it is only fairly natural for an Old Prof to want to design a test to enable the categorizing of those who are conservatives who aren't stupid people and those who are.
So, beginning today, here comes a series of true/false or multiple-choice questions designed to allow those who care to figure out which of those two categories they belong in:

1. It is possible for a rational, patriotic human being to fully support our troops in Iraq and also hate the war and those who fabricated it.

A. True
B. False
C. What war in Iraq?

If you chose B, then you're in Mill's larger, more regrettable category. Try to do better on the next one.
Answer C was actually intended to weed out the true morons, but, the more I think about, you could have circled it because you chose to ignore everything being said by all the politicians and self-appointed pundits. That's really a pretty good thing. Give yourself half-credit.
More to follow.

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