Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Stupidity Test, Part 8

8. Which of the following has come the closest to eliminating Osama bin Laden?

A. George W. Bush
B. Bill Clinton
C. Typhoid Mary

Well, unless the recent rumors involving C are true, B is the correct -- and provably so -- answer. It was Clinton who okayed the bombardment of an al-Qaida training camp -- where bin Laden was rumored to have been -- after two American embassies in Africa were blown up. Didn't get him, but it remains the closest the U.S. (or anyone else) has come to eradicating His Supreme Craziness.
(It should also be noted, as columnist Ken Bode, formerly of CNN, recently did, that it was also Clinton who ordered the missile attacks on Sadam's nuclear facilities that basically persuaded the Windbag of Baghdad to give up his WMD aspirations -- too bad it didn't deter George W. Bush's).

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