Thursday, August 21, 2008
My Obama Prediction
If I'm all wrong about this, at least the last part, you will see this post disappear as rapidly as Fred Thompson did from the primary races. We should know by this weekend.
Constantly Red-Faced in a Red State
The Old Prof is a 175-year-old (sic) retired journalism professor and semi-retired free-lance writer and editor. He likes long moonlit walks (but not too long -- the arthritis), long drinks of 30W motor oil, Zen Buddhism, and Coen Brothers movies. The only things he hates are hatefulness, hypocrisy, self-importance (definitely not Zen), enforced conformity (he now lives in a condo community, yes?) and censorship. He would rather ridicule than analyze, humiliate rather than debate reasonably (too much research involved). His role models are Gandhi and Mark Twain, his arch-enemies all those people on Fox News and the unholy religious right. To learn more about the Old Prof, visit (All material on this blog are copyrighted by Jerry Miller)