Friday, November 14, 2008


What Would the Mormons Do?

A wise-ass (and highly conservative) friend of mine asked me the other day if I thought that, had Proposition 8 failed in California, the anti-gay Mormons (which would be all of them, wouldn't it?) would have protested by boycotting Judy Garland records (or Elton John, Melissa Etheridge, Little Richard, Boy George, et al).
My response was that no, I didn't think so, since the Mormons would be on thin ice saying or doing anything on the subject of defining marriage since they once defined it as between a man and a woman and a woman and a woman and a couple of teenage girls.
Is this a great country or what?

Hmmmmmmm I'm right wing. Come to think of it I have a left wing too and flap em both....tends to let me fly down the political straight and narrow. More people should try flapping both wings or so I think.

I also have left and right legs and feet that allows me to step and stand whereever I please on the political teeter-totter where most of the time I stand dead center on the fulcrum. Then as I deem it necessar from time to time I take steps one way or the other as necessary to hopefully assist in bringing things back into political balance.

I find people with common sense do that sort of thing.

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