Friday, September 25, 2009
The World Of What-Ifs
For me, the best ever is comic John Mendoza's deadpanned one: "What if there were no hypothetical situations?"
Or another comedian's (maybe George Carlin's or Steven Wright's, but I'm not sure): "What if the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about?"
I would humbly submit a few more What-Ifs for your consideration:
What If: The thought really isn't what counts?
What If: Beggars can be choosers? (In Zen, they are the only ones who can)
What If: Mother doesn't always know best? (Submitted for your consideration: Anna Nicole Smith)
What If: Father doesn't know best? (Submitted: John Phillips)
What If: Acorns sometimes do fall far from the tree? (Like, into my neighbor's yard)
What If: A journey of a thousand miles sometimes begins with more than one step?
What If: A bird in the hand isn't worth two in the bush? (A lot less sanitary, for sure)
What If: He who hesitates is only confused, not lost?
What If: The truth won't set you free? (until new DNA evidence is revealed)
What If: Necessity isn't the mother of invention? (did we really NEED the Clapper?)
(work in progress)