Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What Modernity Has Done To Diogenes

In ancient Greece, Diogenes wandered the streets of Athens, carrying a lantern, searching for one honest man. Today, I wander the streets of America, flashlight at ready, searching for one person who is not taking anti-depressants.

Surely, one among us must be free of depression, blissfully unaware of home foreclosures, of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, of oil drillers, of Somalia. Can there be no happy soul who has never heard of Samuel Anthony Alito Jr., agribusiness, Janjaweed, Minutemen? None unburdened by knowledge of Massey Energy, the Federal Reserve, congressman Mike Pence? No Pollyanna merrily ignorant of gated "communities", Goldman Sachs, the USA PATRIOT Act, Microsoft? Wave the magic wand, Professor, wipe these plagues from our lives, and Zoloft sales will tank. Anyway, why are you blogging at 2:55 a.m.? Channeling Poe?
Sound advice from the Arkansas Agitator (or Grizzly Adams Southwest?) I thought Obama might have the magic wand, but so far it hasn't emerged from his baggage.
Why blog at 2:55 a.m.? Brian, you must have missed my earlier blog on the mysteries and miseries of insomnia (4/08)
By the way, you forgot Walmart and Matt Drudge.
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