Friday, October 15, 2010
Could She Reveal Any More?
(And the remaining ones will undoubtedly be revealed in her next catalog.)
Constantly Red-Faced in a Red State
The Old Prof is a 175-year-old (sic) retired journalism professor and semi-retired free-lance writer and editor. He likes long moonlit walks (but not too long -- the arthritis), long drinks of 30W motor oil, Zen Buddhism, and Coen Brothers movies. The only things he hates are hatefulness, hypocrisy, self-importance (definitely not Zen), enforced conformity (he now lives in a condo community, yes?) and censorship. He would rather ridicule than analyze, humiliate rather than debate reasonably (too much research involved). His role models are Gandhi and Mark Twain, his arch-enemies all those people on Fox News and the unholy religious right. To learn more about the Old Prof, visit (All material on this blog are copyrighted by Jerry Miller)